There's a hidden gem in Jerusalem--and it's not the kind of place most would pay homage to or even consider existed. Unless you have heard about it through word of mouth (which is how I did) or passed by it--you wouldn't know about it.
Yad Lakashish, aka Lifeline for the old is a unique spot in the heart of the older city (coincidence?)--some might even say, and I suppose i'm being bias, is the heart of the old city-- I mean, second to the kotel (Western Wall) and other extremely fundamental historical landmarks, of course. Older adults come here and create beautiful Judaica art--using ceramics, silk screening, metals and many more mediums.
Created in 1950 by a school teacher who saw that her young students had little respect for older adults, was intended to break down ageist walls through a process of book binding whereby older adults and her young students would work together. She hoped her efforts would promote and foster relationships between her students and older adults through bookbinding--this not only prompted more older adults to get involved, but today, over 300 older adults have jobs because of this one inspiring woman. Not to mention monthly bus passes to get to work! What incentive! Hello North America, get on the wagon!\
For a gerontologist like myself however, yad lakashish certainly gets my geri wheels spinning--
At a time in life when most older adults outlive their spouses or friends, and at a time when their access to social networks is limited or the wrath of living in an era where younger generations deem them as incapable within society and at a time when they think they have nothing else to live for, Lifeline provides older adults with the opposite of the aforementioned. Lifeline inspires social opportunity, resumes independence and gives them a sense of belonging and of course, confidence.
If you ever pass by 14 Shivtei Israel Street I suggest you peek through the windows, or better yet, go in. Veering through the windows is simply a tease. Your eyes will be caressed by the impressive undertakings taking place inside the studio space. Older adults lined in rows--hovered over in deep concentration. Active, determined and focused. Creating. Living. Adding. Present and useful. They need us and we need them.
Check them out on FACEBOOK:
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