You can anti-age yourself to death as much as you want...put as much collagen cream on your face to temporarily mask your wrinkles...get as much botox as you can handle...get a few face lifts...but let me remind you of the wonderful truth-- we are constantly growing...constantly moving forward and constantly growing older...constantly being marked by age...whether it's a smile line around your mouth or a a few lines around your eye...they show more significance than just age.
(If you didn't have any wrinkles in those places, I'd be worried you haven't smiled enough).
And rather than fearing the aging process, think of ways to embrace it...
Maybe envision yourself as if you are an antique painting...a Rembrandt or Monet if you wish--something that never depreciates in value.
...and if someone mistakes you for being older than you actually are, take it as a compliment.
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